Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Baked Salmon with...Brussels Sprouts!

This post isn't meant to be a genius concoction, but just an idea and an example of a quick weeknight meal in our house. Tonight was another missed day at the gym, so I wanted another dinner that would bake itself while I worked out in the garage. While this bakes, you have enough time to do 3 rounds of:

500m row (or 600m run)
30 squats
10 burpees 

Sounds easy, right? It's a quad KILLA. And - better than nothing.

For 2 servings, you'll need:

1 10 oz salmon fillet (skin off)
10 brussels sprouts
1 lemon 
crushed garlic
salt & pepper
olive oil

I preheated the oven to 375 and sprayed one large Pyrex baking dish with olive oil.

I halved about 10 brussels sprouts and drizzled in olive oil, kosher salt, and crushed garlic. These went in the oven for 10 minutes while I prepped the salmon.

In my opinion, the easiest way to deal with salmon is to order a salmon fillet from the fresh fish section of the g-store and have them cut the skin off for you. I can't stand dealing with scaly fish skin. I bought one 10 oz fillet for two of us, and sliced it in half when I got home. 

I squeezed lemon juice on each half, sprinkled with salt and pepper, and added a lemon slice on top of each. Then, I placed the salmon in the same baking dish as the brussels sprouts, which had a head-start.

375 for 20 (additional) minutes - and you're done! So fresh and delish.

Sidenote: my salmon fillet was about 1 inch thick. If you get a thinner piece, you'll want to check it after about 15 minutes to make sure your salmon isn't overcooking- aka getting soggy.

The best part about this is that we used ONE dish! You'll be happy to know we even used gluten-free paper plates.

What the heck? You mean to tell me the paper plates I've been using all this time aren't gluten free?! ;)

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