Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Guest Post from Jody: Finding My Inner Paula!

Everyone knows Alyssa is a HUGE fan of Paula Deen.  Alyssa found her inspiration in Paula and started her journey in learning how to cook.  (right, Paula to Paleo...I know!)

Hi, I'm Jody and I am finding my inspiration in learning how to cook in Alyssa, my best friend.

We work out at the same CF gym religiously and believe in eating healthy and taking care of our bodies.   Alyssa, started cooking Paleo at her home about a year ago.  I was a little bit slower on jumping on the Paleo band wagon. One, I LOVE food... this is not an understatement.  I believe food is my friend, and the idea of giving up my beloved white grains and sugar...well it seemed impossible to live that way.  I was completely wrong.  After two years of Cross fitting I am finally at the point in my life, and my age for that matter, that I have to do more than just work out to stay at the level of fitness I want to achieve.  Alyssa, started pinning recipes she was making on pinterest and posting what her and Ryan were eating on FB. I have to admit, it caught my attention.  So I started dabbling in cooking.  Back up for one minute, while I love food, I don't cook ...ANYTHING... EVER.  So for me this is all new territory.  Surprisingly, I am really good at it, for the most part.

Pinned Image

I found a strawberry muffin recipe on pinterest the other day I was dying to try.
The first round was terrible!  But I thought what would Alyssa do??  I had enough batter to make a second batch so I adjusted the recipe by adding Ghee (one of Alyssa's, grocery list must haves) you can find in the ethnic section of your local grocer.  It is organic, clarified butter you can use in place of butter in any cooking situation..I remembered Alyssa telling me it made dishes rich and gooey so I thought I would try it.  The second batch was absolutely delicious, melt in your mouth perfect little muffins that you don't have to butter!

You can find the recipe HERE. 

I modified the recipe to make it 'more' paleo by using coconut flour instead of all purpose; coconut milk and coconut oil.  The strawberries were hand picked out of my Dad's garden.  YUMMY!

So, since Alyssa has sparked my creativity and been my inspiration to start cooking healthier "practical Paleo" foods, I am proud to announce I have made my own breakfast, lunch and dinner for the past few weeks.  I am feeling incredible, my clothes are fitting better ( loose) and I feel more energized and stronger in my workouts. Big thanks to Alyssa for starting this blog and I look forward to cooking more yummy Paleo recipes together. 

Before I leave you tonight I want to share another recipe I found on  Seriously these are the BEST pancakes I have ever had and my daughter, a picky two year old, can't get enough of them. 

2 cups whole- wheat King Arthur's organic white whole wheat flour (you could use coconut flour)
2 teaspoons baking powder
1-1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1 tablespoon raw honey
1 large eggs, lightly beaten
1 3/4 cup milk ( I used coconut milk)
2 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted ( I used ghee)
2 ripe bananas, mashed

In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt.

Make a well (hole) in the center of the flour mixture and pour in the honey, eggs, milk and 2 T of melted butter/ghee.  Whisk together thoroughly, do not overmix.

Gently fold the mashed bananas into the batter with a spatula.

Heat a griddle over medium- high heat. Swirl enough ghee on pan until it is well coated. Add pancake batter using a soup ladle.

When the pancakes have begun to brown on the bottom, flip them and cook other side.

Serve with warm 100% Maple syrup. 

You can freeze leftovers!

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